dimecres, 11 de desembre del 2024

Christmas lesson plans

A1 - 1 ESO Elementary, from the British Council

A2- 2 ESO- pre-intermediate Lessonn plan from The British Council 

Multi level lesson plan from ESL Pals (it also has interesting debate topics for higher levels)

C1/C2 - IB or 2 batx, from ESL Pals

Different levels, from ESOL courses.

C1 - IB - 2n batxillerat - advanced lesson plan from Cambridge English

dimarts, 3 de desembre del 2024

Describing people

You can do the game Who is Who? In the class. Everybody stands up. The teacher (or another student) says:

This person is tall (everybody who is not tall sits down)
This person has fair hair (everyboy who hasn't got fair hair sits down)
This person is a boy (all the girls sit down)
Etc, until one person is left.


Game 2: everyboyd knows the person being described except one person in the class, who has to guess who the student is by listening to their classmates.


Game 3: the student at the front can only ask YES7NO questions until he/she guesses the person.

Game 4: students/teacher could dictate how to draw a monster to the students/classmates: It has one big head, three eyes and one big nose,etc.


Game 5: Walking dictation: The teacher dictates what the monster looks like sentenece by sentence and the student group leaders go back to their groups to repeat the sentence and get another one to draw what they're repeating.