dimecres, 5 de març del 2025

Noun suffixes


EXERCISE: Write words in the correct part of the table, adding the suffix and making any necessary spelling changes.

EXERCISE: Write words in the correct part of the table, adding the suffix and making any necessary spelling changes.

dimecres, 26 de febrer del 2025

diumenge, 2 de febrer del 2025

Countable or Uncountable?

Explanation (in Spanish) + exercises
Explanation (in English)

VIDEO: ALSO, SOME, ANY. Countable and uncountable nouns: food. A Mini English Lesson

dilluns, 20 de gener del 2025

Impersonal passive and passive infinitive (advanced)


Exercise 1 : rewrite the sentences in impersonal passive

Exercise 2: write the sentences in the impersonal passive voice using different tenses

Exercise 3: Finish the sentences using personal and impersonal passive constructions

Exercise 4: personal passive


Exercise 1: do it orally

dimecres, 11 de desembre del 2024

Christmas lesson plans

A1 - 1 ESO Elementary, from the British Council

A2- 2 ESO- pre-intermediate Lessonn plan from The British Council 

Multi level lesson plan from ESL Pals (it also has interesting debate topics for higher levels)

C1/C2 - IB or 2 batx, from ESL Pals

Different levels, from ESOL courses.

C1 - IB - 2n batxillerat - advanced lesson plan from Cambridge English